Monday, August 23, 2010

Hip Hip Hooray for ME!!!!

Hip Hip Hooray for me....I figured out how to change the text color on my blog! I know many of you reading this probably think this sounds really stupid, but it has taken me over three days and I admit a lot of cursing and maybe even a little cussing to make this all happen! Really though I should blame all you (my family and friends) who have not given me all your blogging trade secrets and have left me to fend for myself in blogger world! I will however give my little sis a pass as she did set up those links on the side, which I have now learned are called side bars, in case any of you are as behind the times as I am! The rest of you though, what have you to say for yourselves????? Don't worry I still love you, besides being as how my memory is still shot and by tomorrow I will probably forget all about this, including how to change the text color, you will most likely all have a chance to redeem yourselves in the near future!

1 comment:

The Workmans said...

Your welcome, and I'm so proud of you!! You are finally starting to figure it out :)! Love ya!