Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Raisins Anyone?

So Can Man has a fetish for Ikea dishes and impromptu picnics for 40! My pint size little man, while the fam was watching a movie together decided to host a party for all the invisibles??? He used every last dish in the kid drawer and was in the process of distributing the raisins when he was busted (note the distressed look on his face?!) Not quite sure what the fascination with this is, but this is the second major IKEA dish operation we have busted in the last month, although this time the crime has escalated to not just a rearrangement of the dishes but petty theft as well...those raisins definitely had to be trashed! (March 2)
First misdemeanor offense occurring February 17......


Anonymous said...

Awwwww, he can come have those picnics at my house.... I will even supply the snacks :)

The Workmans said...

Mason would be all over those raisins! Can't wait to see those two play together.