Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Just Plain Creepy

So here I was getting ready to turn in for the night and Shane was headed out to go for a run, when I get this "Becca, come here you gotta come see this" so like an idiot I go....I should know by now that that phrase can only mean one thing..GROSS! And was I right? Of course, there in our stairwell leading to my front door was one gigantic spider, except wait it was not just one, it was the mama spider with hundreds of baby spiders on its back...Shane always fascinated by this stuff gets the flashlight and camera right away to further investigate, while I call the landlord (our upstairs neighbors) to get down here and be grossed out with me, they of course came armed with poison! YAH! Of course Shane who has a heart so big even spiders are included was going to transport them to a new location, but never got the chance. Soon as that first spray of poison went out, the mama spider took off and all the baby spiders more or less ejected from her back and our stairs started moving literally with hundreds of these little nasties. Leaving Shane and my neighbors to fend for themselves, I jumped in and slammed the door, I mean I have kids to protect right? Fast forward ten minutes... now my stairwell is covered in dead little spiders, the mama is MIA, and there is no way I am going to be able to get in bed right now without thinking there are more out there and that the mama is going to somehow overcome the poisonous effects and seek revenge! My skin is just crawling!


Natalie said...

EEEWWWEEE!!! (yes, I'm stalking your blog bwahahaha)

Becca Christiansen said...

Don't get to used to it, you know this phase only cycles about once a year and only lasts a week or two before I call it good and move on right?!!!!

The Workmans said...

That is SO gross. Let's see if you can make a new blogging record by posting for more than 2 weeks this year! :)