Thursday, September 16, 2010

Easton's Haircut

Easton's growing his hair out and this is the in between hairstyle! The hair stylist said she was going to try and cut it like Justin Bieber...Biber? I don't know who the heck that is, but Easton apparently did, how is it my kids know more than me?

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Draper Park

After walking the trail we spent some time playing at the Draper Park. The kids love this park; there are so many different things for them to play on.

Porter Rockwell Trail

Over Labor Day Weekend we took some time to go and walk the Porter Rockwell Trail in Draper. The kids rode their scooters and "Canster" rode in his little chariot!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Gracee + Violin = Earplugs

Gracee started violin lessons yesterday. All I can say is what an experience. I might as well get me a violin and learn right along with her. This is definitely going to be a two person experience for the first little while as she (meaning we) learn more about the violin. She gets an A+ for enthusiasm, she wants to practice all the time, and not just practice playing it, no Gracee takes this a step beyond. She practices posing with it (for pictures of course), walking with it, putting it in and out of it's case, naming all the parts (which she already has completely memorized) and the list goes on. She would probably sleep with it if I didn't put my foot down. The good news is she is still excited about it and bless her she is really trying to make those strings sound if you have any amount of love for our family, please throw a few prayers heavenward and some well wishes our way that those strings start to cooperate really soon!!!!!!